Leading with Safety
At Hawkeye Ready Mix, we believe in leading the way with our safety program. In 2018, we were the first in the state to utilize robotic technology for our fleet of vehicles.
The robotic technology was specifically designed to remove dead, hardened buildup from inside the ready-mix drum. Utilizing Hy-Tek Chipping Solution, the mixer drum can be cleaned without having to enter the drum. This increased safety is of the utmost importance to our entire team.
“We are always proud to offer new and innovative solutions aimed at reducing risk of injury and potential environmental hazards to our employees,” commented Safety and Compliance Manager, Jamie Thomann.
In addition to the safety advantage this gives the company, it also ensures greater capacity in the drums and helps create efficiencies. The less residual hardened concrete on board, the lighter the truck, ensuring less wear on tires and more fuel efficiency.
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